If she’s dropping off to sleep once she’s full and satisfied, that’s fine. However, if she’s getting trouble remaining awake to consume not less than ten to fifteen minutes, you will need to consider using a couple of tactics to wake her.
An infant dropping off to sleep at the start of feedings could be a manifestation of a shallow latch, which in turn causes a milk flow so slow that baby rapidly loses interest. The answer would be to latch baby on much deeper.
If baby’s latch is nice and she’s simply sleepy, skin-on-skin contact can occasionally help remove your top and bra along with your baby’s clothes (but leave the diaper on), and lay her in your chest. This might stimulate her enough to help keep her nursing. Other moms recommend tickling their babies’ ft, stroking their legs, or jiggling their legs and arms to ensure that they’re awake and sucking.

Some it’s advocated a method known as “switch nursing” — when baby starts nodding off, take her from the breast, stimulate her (hold her upright, speak with her, tickle her, rub her, burp her), and provide another breast. Continue doing this scenario until she’s logged a minimum of a great ten to fifteen minutes of feeding.
Another technique is to test breast compressions, a tactic popularized by Canadian doctor Jack Newman.

Resourse: https://thebump.com/a/
The Problem With Nursing Your Baby to Sleep
- Ashe D.: This was honestly no help at all just kept repeating yourself
- Anna Lauryn: Its not so black and white… my son falls asleep at the breast and he also can be put to sleep other ways… unfortunately for me, nobody ever told me not to let him fall asleep at the breast. As a Matter of fact when i told my dr i was worried about him falling asleep at the breast they said oh hes fine… obviously i dodnt like him doing it for obvious reasons. Hes not finishing his meals hes going to depend on it for sleep… the dr was ZERO help… brishing his hair tickling/rubbing his feet tickling his jaw tickling his back NOTHING kept this boy awake. I feel like this is something lactation nurses should be required to tell every new mom before they leave the hospital or whenever they see them… for me i saw lactation nurse at the hospital she was so concerned about his belly being parallel to my belly she never told me how to know if he wants to switch sides or how to know if hes done eating… my son used me for a pacifier for the first 3 weeks of his life also because inwas under the impression he couldnt have one until 4-6 weeks…….. she never told me how to know if he was pacifying or if he needed to switch sides pr if he needed to be removed from the breast… now i have an 8month old who only wants to nurse at night, wont drink milk for more than 2seconds during the day from a cup or bottle or breast…
- Reema so: thanks a lot.. I have 6 months baby and she don't want me to live her alone.. every where I go she go with me. sometimes her grandma holds her. and as soon as she see me, she cry any tips how to make baby not cry when other ppl sit her
- Tessa Ellice: How long can 8 month olds go without sleep?
The Problem With Nursing Your Baby to Sleep
- Ashe D.: This was honestly no help at all just kept repeating yourself
- Anna Lauryn: Its not so black and white… my son falls asleep at the breast and he also can be put to sleep other ways… unfortunately for me, nobody ever told me not to let him fall asleep at the breast. As a Matter of fact when i told my dr i was worried about him falling asleep at the breast they said oh hes fine… obviously i dodnt like him doing it for obvious reasons. Hes not finishing his meals hes going to depend on it for sleep… the dr was ZERO help… brishing his hair tickling/rubbing his feet tickling his jaw tickling his back NOTHING kept this boy awake. I feel like this is something lactation nurses should be required to tell every new mom before they leave the hospital or whenever they see them… for me i saw lactation nurse at the hospital she was so concerned about his belly being parallel to my belly she never told me how to know if he wants to switch sides or how to know if hes done eating… my son used me for a pacifier for the first 3 weeks of his life also because inwas under the impression he couldnt have one until 4-6 weeks…….. she never told me how to know if he was pacifying or if he needed to switch sides pr if he needed to be removed from the breast… now i have an 8month old who only wants to nurse at night, wont drink milk for more than 2seconds during the day from a cup or bottle or breast…
- Reema so: thanks a lot.. I have 6 months baby and she don't want me to live her alone.. every where I go she go with me. sometimes her grandma holds her. and as soon as she see me, she cry any tips how to make baby not cry when other ppl sit her
- Tessa Ellice: How long can 8 month olds go without sleep?
The Problem With Nursing Your Baby to Sleep
- Ashe D.: This was honestly no help at all just kept repeating yourself
- Anna Lauryn: Its not so black and white… my son falls asleep at the breast and he also can be put to sleep other ways… unfortunately for me, nobody ever told me not to let him fall asleep at the breast. As a Matter of fact when i told my dr i was worried about him falling asleep at the breast they said oh hes fine… obviously i dodnt like him doing it for obvious reasons. Hes not finishing his meals hes going to depend on it for sleep… the dr was ZERO help… brishing his hair tickling/rubbing his feet tickling his jaw tickling his back NOTHING kept this boy awake. I feel like this is something lactation nurses should be required to tell every new mom before they leave the hospital or whenever they see them… for me i saw lactation nurse at the hospital she was so concerned about his belly being parallel to my belly she never told me how to know if he wants to switch sides or how to know if hes done eating… my son used me for a pacifier for the first 3 weeks of his life also because inwas under the impression he couldnt have one until 4-6 weeks…….. she never told me how to know if he was pacifying or if he needed to switch sides pr if he needed to be removed from the breast… now i have an 8month old who only wants to nurse at night, wont drink milk for more than 2seconds during the day from a cup or bottle or breast…
- Reema so: thanks a lot.. I have 6 months baby and she don't want me to live her alone.. every where I go she go with me. sometimes her grandma holds her. and as soon as she see me, she cry any tips how to make baby not cry when other ppl sit her
- Tessa Ellice: How long can 8 month olds go without sleep?