Significant baby names

Meaningful Girl Names

Gabriella: Hebrew &mdash Dedicated to God.

Elegance: Latin: Goodness generosity.

Hannah: Hebrew &mdash Favor elegance of God.

Isabelle: Hebrew &mdash God is my strength dedicated to God.

Jocelyn: Latin &mdash Happy happy.

Kaitlyn: Greek &mdash Pure.

Kalila: Arabic &mdash Heap of affection.

Layla: Egyptian &mdash Dark beauty.

Mackenzie: Gaelic &mdash Child from the wise leader.

Malia: Hawaiian &mdash Beloved.

Mia: Latin &mdash Mine wanted-for child.

Mila: Russian &mdash Hands on industrious.

Millie: Latin &mdash Free-born strength determination.

Naila: Arabic &mdash Effective.

Nora: Greek &mdash Shining light.

Reagan: Irish &mdash Little ruler.

Reveka: Hebrew &mdash Captivating.

Samantha: Hebrew &mdash Listener.

Sarah: Hebrew &mdash Princess.

Shayna: Yiddish &mdash Beautiful God is gracious.

Sophia: Greek &mdash Knowledge.

Stella: Greek &mdash A star.

Vivian: Latin &mdash Filled with existence.

Zahra: Arabic &mdash Flower.

Zoe: Greek &mdash Existence.

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Gabriella: Hebrew &mdash Dedicated to God.

Elegance: Latin: Goodness generosity.

Hannah: Hebrew &mdash Favor elegance of God.

Isabelle: Hebrew &mdash God is my strength dedicated to God.

Jocelyn: Latin &mdash Happy happy.

Kaitlyn: Greek &mdash Pure.

Kalila: Arabic &mdash Heap of affection.

Layla: Egyptian &mdash Dark beauty.

Mackenzie: Gaelic &mdash Child from the wise leader.

Malia: Hawaiian &mdash Beloved.

Mia: Latin &mdash Mine wanted-for child.

Mila: Russian &mdash Hands on industrious.

Millie: Latin &mdash Free-born strength determination.

Naila: Arabic &mdash Effective.

Nora: Greek &mdash Shining light.

Reagan: Irish &mdash Little ruler.

Reveka: Hebrew &mdash Captivating.

Samantha: Hebrew &mdash Listener.

Sarah: Hebrew &mdash Princess.

Shayna: Yiddish &mdash Beautiful God is gracious.

Sophia: Greek &mdash Knowledge.

Stella: Greek &mdash A star.

Vivian: Latin &mdash Filled with existence.

Zahra: Arabic &mdash Flower.

Zoe: Greek &mdash Existence.

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Meaningful Boy Names

Isaiah: Hebrew &mdash Salvation from the lord.

Jayce: Greek &mdash Healbot.

Jonathan: Hebrew &mdash God gives.

Josiah: Hebrew &mdash Fire from the Lord healbot.

Julian: Latin &mdash Father from the skies.

Kano: Japanese &mdash One’s masculine power capacity.

Levi: Hebrew &mdash Became a member of harmoniously.

Liam: Irish &mdash Strong-willed warrior and protector.

Lucas: Latin &mdash Light-giving illumination.

Magnus: Latin &mdash Finest.

Matthew: Hebrew &mdash Gift from God.

Miles: Latin &mdash Soldier.

Milo: German &mdash Merciful.

Nathan: Hebrew &mdash He gave.

Ned: British &mdash Wealthy protector.

Noah: Hebrew &mdash Rest comfort.

Nolan: Gaelic &mdash A descendant of the chariot fighter or champion famous noble.

Oswald: British &mdash Divine power.

Owen: Welsh &mdash Youthful warrior well-born noble.

Robert: German &mdash Vibrant fame.

Ryan: Irish &mdash Descendent from the king little king.

William: German &mdash Strong-willed warrior resolute protection.

Xander: Greek &mdash Protector of males.

Zachary: Hebrew &mdash Appreciated by God.

Zane: Hebrew &mdash God’s gracious gift.

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Isaiah: Hebrew &mdash Salvation from the lord.

Jayce: Greek &mdash Healbot.

Jonathan: Hebrew &mdash God gives.

Josiah: Hebrew &mdash Fire from the Lord healbot.

Julian: Latin &mdash Father from the skies.

Kano: Japanese &mdash One’s masculine power capacity.

Levi: Hebrew &mdash Became a member of harmoniously.

Liam: Irish &mdash Strong-willed warrior and protector.

Lucas: Latin &mdash Light-giving illumination.

Magnus: Latin &mdash Finest.

Matthew: Hebrew &mdash Gift from God.

Miles: Latin &mdash Soldier.

Milo: German &mdash Merciful.

Nathan: Hebrew &mdash He gave.

Ned: British &mdash Wealthy protector.

Noah: Hebrew &mdash Rest comfort.

Nolan: Gaelic &mdash A descendant of the chariot fighter or champion famous noble.

Oswald: British &mdash Divine power.

Owen: Welsh &mdash Youthful warrior well-born noble.

Robert: German &mdash Vibrant fame.

Ryan: Irish &mdash Descendent from the king little king.

William: German &mdash Strong-willed warrior resolute protection.

Xander: Greek &mdash Protector of males.

Zachary: Hebrew &mdash Appreciated by God.

Zane: Hebrew &mdash God’s gracious gift.


27 Unique Islamic baby boy names in Urdu and English Meaning لڑکوں کے اسلامی نام

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