There is a lengthy tradition of family names being handed lower to royal babies, so it’s no wonder that the leading-runners are actually mostly made up of names with a few history. Betting site Ladbrokes presently marks Victoria because the probably option, an homage to Queen Victoria, with Albert, the Queen Victoria’s beloved husband, trailing soon after.

- Kristie Weaver: I hope the baby looks like Harry
- The Girl From Academics: 1:48 not to be rude but they look like dolls
- Margaret Yap: What a great prince Harry is!!! He’s provided the material for fantastic viewing within the royal family ,!,
- 2bfieldN: I walk by faith, not by sight; I’d like her to have ???? with at least 1 of them being a blue eyed girl. God has blessed the babe(ies) with excellent health and awesome stewards to raise them as God loving humble kind empathetic world changers. ❤️from ??
- Bandit Ferret: 1 – Harry is only half a royal. Charles is not his father (who would want the ears as their father)
2 – Gingers have no soul
3 – As a royalist, Harry has really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with his choice of fame hungry wife
- Crystal Akers: It comout liking like Carrot top or simply red
- ela slebioda: This Chinese predictor is not always correct and I'm the example of this. My mum was 32 when she conceived me and it happened in June. By the predictor I should be a boy buy I reality I am an 19 year old girl.
- Zsle Brennan: Man even with Meghan on maternity leave, she's still on the media radar. Wonder who their gonna pick on next? Meghan's to buzzy enjoying her time away from unnecessary bombardment of her's and Harry's life. Every woman whose been pregnant knows that ur last month the nesting stage begins e.g setting everything up for the arrival of the baby ??? cleaning like crazy, u never stop cleaning when u nest. Hopefully Meghan will nap as well. Can't wait to see the darling little bundle ???
- Murtaza Ehsani: Well its common sense markle babby will be ugly that's for sure even if the babby is a boy or girl I'm sure that it won't be cuter than gorge Charlotte and Louie so all you nut-meg fans can't accept the truth that mee-again won't be queen and her child will be hidious.
- Kate Murphy: Shrek baby girl American stupid name….